Monday, June 29, 2009

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Ard' Boyz 2009

Hello everyone!

Its that time of the year, from what I hear. Time to get your best armies together and get ready to play some Ard' Boyz!

So I have been doing a lot of thinking if I should play this year and I feel that I am not ready to play this year. With the new Imperial Guard codex, having taking a liking to much of the new things in the book, but with no models. It will be harder for me to play in than say an ork player or a nids player from last year. Lack of game play time, will also hinder me I feel. But I am going to make up a list and if I get one going that I feel is good then I will enter.

I just need some feedback on list I post up here and some modeling suggestions! Or even some donations!


Friday, June 19, 2009

Shhh... don't tell Ace

Hey, Ninjaman here to tell you that there's a tourney tomorrow.It's 2000 points, so my Fists will throw down with anyone brave enough to face me. Wish me some luck! 1st place will get me some prizes to support my expanding Vostroyan army. I'm pretty sure Ace is going to write about it, and I will too, from a different veiwpoint. I do hope we play each other...(I'm going to slaughter Ace, don't worry about that lol ;])

WWW Treasures: New Imperial Guard Stuff

Hello everyone!

First off welcome to my first new section... WWW (World Wide Web) Treasures. This is basically going to be the rumor mill of the site, this is dovoted to you the reader to get a chance to see what all is coming out soon for anything. Also letting you post your opinion on what you think of the models, prices, etc.....

Just doing some surfing on the web, decided to check what all the fuss is over on War Seer, and I stumbled across some cool pics. There is no official release date on any of these but Rumor has it... August for the Tanks, but no ETA on Straken...

Those pics are of the new Leman Russ kit coming out (pictured were the Eradicator, and Punisher turret options, notice the multi-meltas the sponsons, and also the plasma cannons) This new release will make any Imperial Guard player happy! Now we just need Red to post on his experience with magnets and we will have very happy Imperial Guard players! No offical news on Straken, but it is a very good looking model. Then we can all play with the leader that should be known as the Chuck Noris of the IG. We will just have to see I guess.

Stay tuened as I cross the World Wide Web to find more goodies.


Thursday, June 18, 2009


Hello everyone,

Just browsing through some of my followings, and I came across Black Matt's posting on Sportsmanship.

What he said is something we should all stop and think about to ourselves. "Is that me?" Luckily for us down here in the Williamsburg area are not graded on Sportsmanship in our games we play. However one thing I want everyone who follows this blog to think to them selves. "If I was to be ranked on Sportsmanship, what would my score be?" So be fair to your opponent, but stern about rules. (Don't be that guy about the rules though)

Now, being a fair opponent is not always going to get you a full points on the scoring chart. The biggest factor in this whole ranking process is you and your opponents Maturity level. If you get beat by someone and they just wipe the floor with you, but they are pleasant about it keep that in mind. You lost to an opponent who was either better than you are, the dice are just not working for you, or their list was very good. Also the guy let me know what everything was, what this did, who that was, and was polite about the game. Then they deserve to be have a good score and firm hand shake at the end of the game.

Now if you play against that guy who just crushed you, was more or less a jerk about the game. Did not take the time to show you what was what, would not let you see his list, and such then in that case he deserves a low score on this chart.

More or less go into a tournament with he mentality that you are going to win, but also have a good time while you are doing this! Meet some new people, befriend some, start some friendly rivalries, but most of all have fun. After all that's what this game is all about right?


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Blog Spot is fun!

Hello everyone,

Lately I have been thinking of ways to get more people onto the site because the three of us giving advice to one another gets a little tedious after a while! (We know we play against each other so games become a little unbalanced :P "cough" Swimmer {aka Red but I know another Red and I don't want to confuse one another} "cough") But anyways, doing some research into this little thing called blogger I have discovered some of the neatest ways to get a bunch of 40k stuff at your finger tips!

Step 1: Sign up for Blogger! It's easy, make a Google account (it's totally free!), there is no need for you to start your own Blog (some people don't like these).

Step 2: Find your favorite blog (i.e. 40k Legions, Bell of Lost Souls, and Jawaballs etc...) Then go to the followers section and click "follow". Now what following does is when you log into Blog spot you can see all the updates for each site that you follow. Thus getting rid of going from page to page!

That's all there is too it! Once you have an account you can comment on articles posted, and even start your own blog!

So I want to see some more blogs because everyone has a voice and army list that they think is great! More followers too! I need feedback on my articles that I post! My long term goal is to make this into an actual website but I need a large following first!

Thanks everyone!


Monday, June 15, 2009

Expanding the marines (Fluffwise)

Is it me, or has GW actually brought their focus off of the Ultra Smurfs? I'm a Fists player, and the books "Storm of Iron" and a short story in "Heroes of the Space Marines" (Worst named book ever) both mention Imperial Fists. There is also a new Impy Fists series coming out soon written by Chris Roberson. It sounds suspiciously as if the Black Library authors are sick of Guilliman's sons. Both of the stories mention brother-captain Alaric Eshara of the 3rd company. Hmm...

More thinking must be done...;)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Converting a Chimera

Hey everyone,

I just finished converting my new Chimera, It was a rather easy build!

Step one:
Build the tracks as normal, Cut out the wheels, glue them to the frame, place the tracks into place. This will give you an easier time with the next few steps, to help with the foundation.

Step two:
Take the top of the Chimera, the part where the turret will be place on, and cut at the end of the second hole (Towards the back) then cut before the first hole so that you have three pieces, one is the front where the turret will go to. Next is a piece with two holes in it, and the last is the last hole, and where the loading dock goes.

Step Three:
Smooth out the pieces, place them upside down and glue them into place, make sure there is a tight bond between them, when it is dry use some green stuff to make a very strong bond!

Step Four:
Glue the front of the chassis onto the bottom of the tank, then take the piece from step three and glue it slightly behind the whole on the first one front of the tank! Make sure everything is snug!

Step Five: Glue the tracks to the chassis, then you have your foundation! After that you are all set to go!

Step Six: Glue pieces where you see fit, and clean it up a little bit!

Final product should look something like this!

Hope this helps everyone out there a little bit, pics will come when I get another one, so hold in there tight comment if you have any questions!


Posting on the go!

Hello everyone!

Ace here using my new blackberry storm, just sending an update post so I can give live feed at tournaments :) hope this works!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Bell of Lost Souls Company Command Challenge

Hey everyone,

Just saw their new post and I am going to try to win this one! So I will post pics hopefully every day and you guys need to help me by pointing out flaws! Thanks in advance


Monday, June 8, 2009

Slow week...

Hey everyone,

Its been a very slow week with Warhammer that is! I have one squad that needs some finishing touches, but mostly I have been making some list,(and without army builder that takes time :( ) I have gotten a couple of games in and tried some new units and I will be doing another break down after I get some more games in!
Also look forward to another tactic broken down. And my armies fluff within a couple of days!


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Steve Wiebe What a Trooper!

Hello everyone!

Just sitting here putting together the tanks, wondering how I am going to make them all different! Me and Red are talking about magnets :). While this is going on I have G4 on and they are covering the E3 expo, and Steve Wiebe is there live!

Now if no one here knows who Steve Wiebe is, go down to your local video store and rent "A Fist Full of Quarters." To lazy to do that and I will give you the low down on this guy. Pretty much he recorded himself beat the world record on Donkey Kong Arcade, and sent it to Twin Galaxy (the world record keepers of any and all video games). They told him that they could not accept his entry (because the original keeper of the record is a brat, and was whining to much!) so they told him that he would not be the world record keeper. So he challenged the guy to a live game, and he never showed up. Then he went to the machine that the original guy posted the record on and he beat it! So he was the record holder for a breif few minutes. Until the original guy sent in a video AND THEY ACCEPTED THAT! So Mr Wiebe said that they can go F them selfs essentially, because his video was legit and the other guys may have been but there is just to much anamosity with everyone there!

So back to E3 Steve is playing and unfortuatly he failed to get the record live on national TV. But this man is a trooper, and he will never give up! So if you are feeling down just think of what this man has done and what he has been through then you can do anything!

Let the record be known, one of my commanders will be named Steve Wiebe! Just be warned when you see my list and you see his named pop up then my army will be the champs!


Tanks, Tanks, Tanks, and some more Tanks!

Hello everyone!
With so much time on my hand and after counting all 1,136,486 little bubbles on my ceiling. I finally decided to put together my tanks :) Lets show you the work in progress reel!

Should I feel motivated or discouraged!?

I promised this squad if they finished the tanks I would paint them... Something tells me they are slacking on the clock...

But anyways I will keep everyone updated on the tanks!

After I get these guys done... What am I going to do when I want a demolisher cannon? Any and all ideas will be welcomed!


Battle Report from Saturday's tournament

Hello everyone,
Its me Ace, and I'm posting the results of the tournament that me and Red recently attended. Sorry that they are not in detail, rough day forgot to take notes, but next tournament be ready for full pics and full blown details! But think of this as ESPN highlight reel!
It was a long day, let me tell you something. First round was against a Chaos Smurf, and an Eldar player, everything was clicking between the list, focus fire on the lash, dead turn one. Focus on objectives, we were crushing it. Then the Officer of the fleet couldn't hold off the striking scorpions off for much longer (those things hurt!) We lost a few objectives, but penal legions killed 2 obliteraters in 3 rounds of CQC then contested the objective for the tie!

Next game was against a Smurf list, and a Tau list. Boy who would have thought that bikes would hurt! Turn one Red was in assault and was nearly destroyed, we started to get our game faces on when Terminators came on and walked the line, and wrecked my Vendetta, and my two Hydras. Destroyers made a last ditch effort to control the last objective at the end of the game, but were annihilated by a vast volley of fire, and a power fist to the face from a Techpriest. Result was a loss.

The next game was kind of a cheese game, the kid brought some orks, and his buddy brought some Smurfs. Now the whole concept of Orks is cool, lots of green men running twoards you and you get about 2-3 turns to kill as many as you can, nope not this game, we were killing fast amounts of orks, and smurfs, but the way the kid set up... He forgot what orks were in what squad! So it took us like 30 mins to figure everything out, and at the end of turn 3 time was up so we had to call it. With 5 kill points per side, it was a draw.

So all in all it was a fun day of gaming, meeting new people getting even more of a feel for guard. But coming in 9th out of 10 people was a bummer. I do believe that there was not enough time alloted to be played, but in some games we were sluggish but no fingers are going anywhere! But if we had one more turn we would have turned the two losses into wins! But thats just me!

Next tournament is a 2k game on June 20th, and I am toying with the idea of bringing Grey Knights to play? Has anyone tried these guys out? Im going to make a pretty sick list and post it for everyone to say! So stay tuned because June 21st your going to see a book long Battle report!!!

So stay tuned


Monday, June 1, 2009

Welcome to June Everyone!

Welcome to June,

This month my personal goal will be the following,
I) FIND A JOB ASAP! Warhammer is not a money friendly hobby and I need to support the crazy conversions I love to do and the crazy list I love to build.
II)Take my Girlfriend out more, to be a better boyfriend, and to not always talk about 40k!
III)Prepare for tournament on June 20th, 2000 points. I have a lot of free time and I can play test list more now, and also try some crazy ideas.
IV)Paint at least 4 squads of men, and finish my Valkyrie.
V)Get my army onto the website.
VI)Get the logo made for the site (If your an artist send me an email!)
VII) Find a fourth member for the sight.
VIII)Get the sight to 2000 views before the end of the month! So spread the word everyone!

Well that's my June Resolution to myself! Everyone have a safe June, its the end of school for kids, remember SUNBLOCK IS YOUR FRIEND! But most of all PLAY 40K!!!


The Breakdown Episode 3: Orders

Listen up everyone, I'm only going to say this once so PAY ATTENTION!

Now that I have got my daily dose of yelling out of my system, lets get on to the third installment of the Breakdown. Today as you may have guessed I'm going over the Order system in the new Imperial Guard Codex! Lets get right into it,

Basically there are 8 orders in this book, 3 basic, 3 advance, and 2 specialty orders. They are given by Company Commanders, Platoon Commanders, or Special Commanders (Creed, Strake, Al'Raheem etc..) There is a command radius for each one, that you must keep in mind, and also how many that can be given, if your curious to know what I am talking about go buy the new codex and follow along.

The order system works like this, at the start of your shooting phase (very important to remember!) You select one FRIENDLY (this is a HUGE argument at the local store) and choose what order you want to give to them! You check range, check to see if the order went through, and if the order was successful, act upon that order IMMEDIATELY! Then after that issue is completed, move on to any further orders. There is also the ranking system to remember, for obvious reasons, Creed would give an order before some chummy Platoon Commander. So you have to keep in mind of your commanders on the field!

Here are the orders and how they should be used!
Bring It Down! The strongest way for this order to be maximized is by prioritizing your weapons on the table, then what the opponent has that do the most damage to your men. Then take down whatever it is and then Lather, Rinse and Repeat.
Fire on my Target! This order is very strong for 5th edition, because everything gets a cover save now! Great for large amounts of fire, firing across the battlefield into a squad of anything advancing or holding an objective.
Get Back in the Fight! This is the backbone for the guard! Make any unit on the table act like a Space Marine and come back onto the fight? Sounds good to me, and when your Veterans with Forward Sentries went to ground to hold onto that objective for one last time, and then to pop back up and fire back? Sounds great to me! So always keep this one in mind for that squad falling back, never just pick up a squad because it is falling back (unless the rules state otherwise)
First Rank, FIRE! Second Rank, FIRE! Ask me what my favorite order is, and I will tell you the one that makes a lasgun deadly. I absolutly love this order! Yes we can all agree that the lasgun is weak, no argument there, but when you fire it with a volly of shots it can make even a Terminator shake in his 2+ armor. So go ahead load up on guardsmen, throw them into a squad of 50 and wait until you see the orks nasty bugers on their face, and then give this order, wait about 20 mins for dice rolls, and say goodbye to that squad of orks. Great order if you ask me. Now here is the local quesiton, does this confer to a HOT-SHOT LASGUN? I say no, it's to powerful, and broken. Others say yes, because why would they change it from a Hellgun to that? So we need a judgement quick! This book really needs a house/store FAQ so that there is always a standard if you ask me!
Incoming! This order is only good with the order I stated earlier, I really don't use it often because I normally have Vets hold objectives with 3+ cover saves. The thought of making a 50 man squad with a Commissar then giving this order seems like it would be fun for turn 5 just to see my opponent's face in pure frustration!
Move! Move! Move! This order is best for moving your units quickly accross the battlefied. I really don't rely on this one except for maybe turn 1 or 5 depends on a lot.
For the Honour of Cadia! A brilliant order from Creed! I use this order on so much to counter that ork assault, so they know what it is like to be on that receiving end of the assault. But here is where the Allies come into play, say I want an assassin to go and assault an enemy, can I give this order to them or not? If so I am dusting of the Daemon Hunter's codex.
Like the Wind!
So with this order you can keep everything in your army mobile, outflank with the user's ability. Then throw some Lascannons in the mix and you will blast up some tanks, then throw them into cover and everything will be good!

The order system in my opinion is good, not perfect unless you use Creed AND Kell. Read the codex and you figure out why. I used them quite a bit at the tournament saturday, and I can say that they add some good varitey to the mix with Guard now. So be even more afraid of the shooting phase of the most powerful army in the galaxy! (when it comes to shooting, thats right Tau I went there)

At ease everyone!
