Hello everyone!
So I just got back from my tournament today with my new Guard codex, I ran what I thought was a rather good balanced list. Here it is in its fullness, now what I'm going to do is break it down with what I thought was good, and what
will change and what
may change. With that being said lets break this list.
Company Command Squad
Company Commander
-Regimental Standard
3 Veterans
Lasguns Master of Ordnance
Officer of the fleet
2 Bodyguards
Ratlings -Sniper Rifles
Storm Trooper Squad
-Power Weapon
9 Storm Troopers
Meltaguns Chimera
-Heavy Flamer
Total: 250
Infantry Platoon
Platoon Command Squad
Platoon Commander
Meltagun Total: 45
Infantry Squad
9 Guardsmen
Meltagun Total: 65
Infantry Squad
9 Guardsmen
-Auto Cannon
Infantry Squad
9 Guardsmen
Autocannon Total: 65
Heavy Weapon Squad
Lascannons Total:105
Heavy Weapon Squad
3 Heavy
Bolters Total: 75
Total Squad: 355
Veteran Squad
Bastoone 9 Veterans
-2Plasma guns
-Heavy Flamer
-6 Shotguns
Heavy Flamer
Total: 265
Fast Attack
Hellhound Squadron
Hellhound -Inferno Cannon
Melta Total:145
Heavy Support
Leman Russ Squadron
Leman Russ
Punisher -
Punisher Gatling Cannon
Bolter -Smoke Launcher
Sponson Heavy
Bolter -Heavy
Stubber -Knight Commander
Pask Total: 270
Ordnance Battery
- Colossus Siege Mortar
Bolter -Searchlight
-Smoke launchers
Total: 140
So I took out the individual points for the troops, to keep people from free-
dexing. So my
Hq squad did what it was supposed to, give orders, keep reserves out as long as possible, re-group moral, and bombard from the sky! The master of ordnance is a great concept, but he keeps your commander from giving orders, so bear this in mind. Also 70 percent of the time he missed his target, or got a cover save (but orders can make them re-roll good cover saves) But all and all he can help as much as he can hurt.
Elites were perfect, flanking storm troopers in a chimera, wreck anything on that flank.
Ratlings, wow
i'll take an army of these little guys, killing smurfs, guards men, and even a Hive Tyrant! Also the
infiltrate rule is killer for keeping people in check.. so look forward to seeing an infiltrating list soon.
Troops, in a few words,
im done with infantry platoons with heavy list, but i still love the concept of mass infantry. But as far as running, the platoons, I'll take a rain check. But Veteran Squads are in my opinion the best way to go, they hit more, have the best upgrades and can still take orders from
Fast Attack,
Hellhound traditionally is an anti-infantry tank, but i put a twist onto it, throw a multi-melta, and boom you have a 36"melta! Now since I'm getting rid of the lascannons out of the platoon, what will i take for tanks? Thats easy the vendetta, 3 lascannons, for 130 points, now here is the kicker, add better sight, better range, flexiblity, and oh yeah TWIN-LINKED! Thats right the new tank hunter is here, and in my new list (coming soon).
Heavy Support, oh my, colossus is a great piece of equipment, no cover and ap 3, okay done, enough said. The punisher, perhaps the greatest looking tank in the book, but not in play, with only 24" range, and no chance to scatter into another squad, whats the point? Good for fun but not for my competitive list.
So there is the break down of my list, and my thoughts on it, if you played me today, or saw me play. Post what you think about my list that's what this is for!
But the games were fun, first round was jordan and his space marines, great player, great list, just unlucky rolls. But man do I officially hate drop pods! I wish I could contest an objective turn one!
Game two was josh and his guard, Josh was fun, we tied, but it was a great game, full of epic faliures and mass troops being picked up, i look forward to playing again with this guy!
Game three, Jay, Nids.... Nidzilla, nuff said! I lost but man was this a funny game to play, I dont know if it was shrek or if it was the fact that the most random rolls happened this game. But it was a fun game.
Well thats all, next up is my new competitive list, after a nap, and work. But stay tuned! and get out there and post!