Friday, May 22, 2009

My Favorite SM characters

Hey, ninjaman here. As a marine player, (I have Impy Fists and My own chapter)
I realized that some of the SM characters are amazing. I've decided to share my favorites and why.
Here goes:

1. Darnath Lysander. Best character ever in my opinion. 4 wounds, strength 10 Thunder hammer, 3+ invul. Stubborn and Ld 10, re-rolls bolter shots. Stick him in a 10 man termie squad, and let the slaughter begin. I've seen this guy go nuts on Tau(necrons,chaos, etc.) before... alone. He crushed about 45% of the tau players army before he died to sustained plasma fire on turn 5. Absolute favorite. Oh, and he can fortify a building for sniper scouts w/ camo cloaks.

2. Kayvaan Shrike. Great for fast moving armies. Outflank w/ 10 assault marines or vanguard vets. He will go through most armies like a hamerhead through a land speeder. However, he only has a 3+ power armor save and 3 wounds, and will be a priority for your enemy.

3. Pedro Kantor. Very very solid choice. 1+ attack for anyone within 12, all marines are stubborn, assault 4 storm bolter. Unfortunately, he's really slow. Put him in a drop pod (sternguard vets. too)to counter this.

4. Ortan Cassius. T6, Chaplain, re rolls in first combat round. Only 2 wounds. Use him w/ Kantor or termie squad.

5. Korhsarro Khan. Pretty cool. Outflank for everyone. Very fast.

As for the other characters (Calgar, Sicarius, He'stan) I like their rules, but I never really played He'stan, and I absolutely hate Ultramarines. They're too stuck up...


  1. Hmmm I like Lysander... Wish I could have someone like that in my book. Good post! After I get some more play time in with special characters I will post on my top 5


  2. sweet. I know who will be in there, besides marbo.
    Straken is the Lysander for Guard.

  3. lol nice. Now if only the Necrons had more than 2 c'tan...well o well... when their t 8 who can complain?

  4. Well, you do have T6 lords w/ speshul orbs that reanimate fallen necrons, and guns that can immobilize the pinnacle of imperial Tech. And units with 3+ invuls. When my marines can come back to life I will let you scream "Cheese!!!"

    Oh yes and rofl
