Friday, December 25, 2009

Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas everyone!

I know I had a good one, but did you? What did santa bring you any cool 40k stuff? Well if he did let's make things interesting! Let's have 40k Legions first contest!

Send any one of your painted christmas spawns to my email before January 1st and I will post them on the site and from there we will all vote for the favorite one! Winner will get a $20 gift of you choice from GWs website! So get painting and we will see who is the best!

Notes: they do not have to be painted in any holiday manner to qualify, if you did not get a 40k gift from the fat man, go out and buy one and then paint and send me a pic! I'll post something too!

Happy holidays!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ignoring the fact that I posted a REALLY dumb question above...

    Who won???
