Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Steve Wiebe What a Trooper!

Hello everyone!

Just sitting here putting together the tanks, wondering how I am going to make them all different! Me and Red are talking about magnets :). While this is going on I have G4 on and they are covering the E3 expo, and Steve Wiebe is there live!

Now if no one here knows who Steve Wiebe is, go down to your local video store and rent "A Fist Full of Quarters." To lazy to do that and I will give you the low down on this guy. Pretty much he recorded himself beat the world record on Donkey Kong Arcade, and sent it to Twin Galaxy (the world record keepers of any and all video games). They told him that they could not accept his entry (because the original keeper of the record is a brat, and was whining to much!) so they told him that he would not be the world record keeper. So he challenged the guy to a live game, and he never showed up. Then he went to the machine that the original guy posted the record on and he beat it! So he was the record holder for a breif few minutes. Until the original guy sent in a video AND THEY ACCEPTED THAT! So Mr Wiebe said that they can go F them selfs essentially, because his video was legit and the other guys may have been but there is just to much anamosity with everyone there!

So back to E3 Steve is playing and unfortuatly he failed to get the record live on national TV. But this man is a trooper, and he will never give up! So if you are feeling down just think of what this man has done and what he has been through then you can do anything!

Let the record be known, one of my commanders will be named Steve Wiebe! Just be warned when you see my list and you see his named pop up then my army will be the champs!


1 comment:

  1. regardless of the outcome, it sounds like Wiebe won the crowd over and was the winner in most everyone's opinion
